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Thought You Were a Trend Setter? Think Again.

Your style might be unique to you but to the rest of the world it is not so much. Going all the way back to the 1300s we find the trends looking just like us. Copycat much? Looks like your new trend isn’t so new after all. Now lets begin with the good old fashion turtleneck, reported that the first one was during 13th to 15th centuries C.E., were one of the must haves during the medieval times. Supposedly, for men, they were used as a protector from the armor worn over them. Then in the 1800s were used more for high fashion and even one of the first examples of women’s sportswear. In the 50s and 60s the black turtleneck was a representation of the Beat Generation, radical group of artists, writers, and nonconformists. We lastly move on to Céline’s take, the tall funnel-like neck and oversized boxy fit.

Then we have fringe. In the very beginning it was mostly seen among Native American tribes. The fringe served as many different sacred and practical reasons. They were decorated with shells and beads because it added a musical chime to it especially when they danced. One of the most common fringe tends was during the 1920s and the first thing people tend to think about is the Charleston dance. This certain look was designed by Madeleine Vionnet. In the 60s it then became a rebellious symbol and were wore by legends like Jimi Hendrix and the The Who’s Roger Daltrey. Now a days, designers put pieces of fringe to add a sexy feminine flow or look.

The evolution of the flared jeans is my personal favorite. The reason they were so popular was because they could fit ant proportion and in the 1800s the navy uniform produce that look to allow comfort and movability. One report taken from The Guardian and re-quoted, the pants “made it easier to snag a man who had fallen overboard and easier to remove when wet.” Then hit the 60s and 70s where the pants screamed more disco and funk than sailor. During the hippie movement it was all about bright colors and over the top and that’s where the style icon, Cher really showed it off. The bell-bottoms soon died down but then made a come back in the 90s. Now in our time period the jeans have really sprung back and may even be a major competition for the skinny jeans.

Lastly we have the overalls tends. It first started in the 19th century when the overalls were worn by railroad workers, miners and farmers. Then in 1873 but Levi Strauss, he created an affordable piece that was used in the British Army in the 18th century. From workers to hip-hop, when in the 90s the outfit was a popular star trend. To now a days when overalls come in any shape and can be warn in anyway, more casual or with a pair of heels to spice it up.

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